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Python Financial Toolkit - pftk

The Pyhon Financial Toolkit (pftk) is a Python-based open source software framework designed to support portfolio construction and management.

Quick start

If you are in a hurry, you can skip to the Installation Guide.

About the Python Financial ToolKit

The python financial toolkit (pftk) is a fork from pftk which I learned to use taking a course on Coursera. Over the years, I enjoyed using the package but it was no longer developped and needed updates. I forked it to implement a few immidiate needs:

Pftk is a Python-based open source software framework designed to support portfolio construction and management.

Pftk was built primarily for finance students, computing students, and quantitative analysts with programming experience. You should not expect to use it as a desktop app trading platform. Instead, think of it as a software infrastructure to support a workflow of modeling, testing and trading.

Key components of pftk are:

Scroll through the [[Gallery]] to see the sorts of things you can do easily with pftk.

Download, Installation & Open Source License

Assumptions & Supported Platforms

Testing was done on done on Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux on Intel machines. We recommend a 2.0 GHz processor and 2GB of RAM as a minimum. Pftk does run on Windows machines, but we don’t guarantee it, and we can’t always help you if you run into problems.

We make some assumptions about the you should know about that may limit pftk’s use, including:

Having said that, the tool kit can easily be adapted for other trading regimes. You might want to scan our to see some examples of what you can do with pftk.


This page is the root page for pftk documentation. Here are links to information about important modules and APIs:

Contributing & Coding Conventions

Contact the author about contributions to the code.

Please follow coding conventions described here: [[Coding Standard]]

Use the text 2FIX as a comment indicating a potential bug. As in:

 # 2FIX we may inadvertently divide by zero below
 x = y / u


pftk is currently maintained and developped by:

The original QSToolKit development began to support CS 8803-FIN: Machine Learning for Trading, a course at Georgia Tech.

Older documents: