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Python Financial Toolkit - pftk

The Pyhon Financial Toolkit (pftk) is a Python-based open source software framework designed to support portfolio construction and management.

Here are a few examples of what you can do fairly easily in pftk:

Investigate how market events affect future returns

Event Study Pftk’s event study software allows a developer to describe market events, then observe, statistically, how those events affect future equity prices. The plot at right illustrates the affect of the following market event:

Normalize and plot historical data

This is of course a basic task, but it is done quite easily with Python in pftk. The data for the plot at right was created by reading in the closing prices of various equities, then normalizing their prices to 1.0 using one line of code:

normdat = pricedat/pricedat[0,:]

Normalized close prices for 4 equities That line of code nicely illustrates how concise Python (with NumPy) can be. If you have MATLAB experience, you will see that the syntax for these operations is quite similar in Python. With that concise statement we executed 2000 divide operations. Each row in pricedat was divided by the first row of pricedat. Thus normalizing the data with respect to the first day’s price.

Compute and plot daily returns

It is very often useful to look at the returns by day for individual stocks. We can compute this in Python as:

dailyrets = (pricedat[1:,:]/pricedat[0:-1,:]) - 1

The first 50 days of daily returns for $SPX and XOM. In the figure at right we compare the daily returns for $SPX and XOM. Observe that they tend to move together but that XOM’s moves are more extreme. This plot was created with the following code in Python:

plt.plot(newtimestamps[0:50],normdat[0:50,3]) # $SPX 50 days
plt.plot(newtimestamps[0:50],normdat[0:50,4]) # XOM 50 days
plt.ylabel('Daily Returns')

Look for correlations in daily returns

A scatter plot of $SPX versus XOM daily returns. The scatter plots at right show how the movement in price of the S&P 500 index ($SPX) relate to XOM (top) and GLD (bottom). Scatter plots are generated using the “scatter” command:


A scatter plot of $SPX versus GLD daily returns. Note that XOM and $SPX seem strongly correlated, as evidenced by the tight scatter plot. On the other hand $SPX and GLD are substantially less correlated. It is easy to carry this sort of analysis further using many of the statistical tools available in NumPy and Pandas.

Create and assess technical indicators

20-day moving average. The plots show two technical indicators coded using pftk: A 20-day moving average (top), and 20-day Bollinger bands (bottom). The features are coded easily using Pandas and NumPy calls, such as the following code example for 20-day moving averages:

 means = pandas.rolling_mean(adjcloses,20,min_periods=20)

Bollinger bands.

Leverage machine learning tools to discover data relationships

Randomly queried points in a KNN-based model. Pftk includes several machine learning algorithms including HMM learning, KNN and K-D tree learning.